Sunday, February 21, 2010


My whole life I have always been waiting and searching for the next exciting thing to come along.  I think that is why I went to three different universities and never lived in the same room for longer than a semester.  It seems so silly to think about now...why couldn't I just stay put?

I remember being in High School, there was always something I was talking about, wanting, dreaming.  My mother used to always tell me to be content...even though I know in my mind that my life is fine....great actually but in my heart I want more.  More what? A house...maybe to live in Europe...I really can't say exactly what it is I want.  Being stagnant is never a good thing although never being happy with what is given to you isn't so great either.  Finding that do I get there?

I am reading "Waking the Dead" by John Eldredge.  His books are so meaty...there are times I only get through a few pages and then I must stop and reflect on what I've learned.  At times I don't want to pick it up because I know there is a lot of truth in what he writes and learning truth means change.  Anyway...I am reading about how the heart is central.  John points out many verses in the Bible that deal with the in Duet. 6:5 it says "Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength." Jesus called this the greatest of all commandments and notice that the heart comes first.  I also love this quote John gives at the beginning of chapter 3 by Beauchene "You are never a great man when you have more mind than heart."  I always want to live that way...

I am looking forward to picking up "Waking the Dead" more often and relaying more on Christ to bring me the fulfillment and contentment I so desperately need rather than earthly things.  My heart will only be satisfied by the love of Christ...then maybe my heart will agree with my mind that I am content.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I'm a little behind

So, haven't posted in a while.  Just like anyone with a New Years Resolution you lose your steam pretty quickly.  BUT I am DETERMINED!  I did read two book last month...I ended up reading KISS by Ted Dekker and Erin Healy.  His books are always filled with suspense making this an easy read and fun too.  I think this month I'll fit in an old John Eldredge book...Waking the Dead.  I read this the first time about 5 years ago and I remember that is changed my life but I can't remember all the reasons why so...we shall see.

As far as being healthy...I have been running for the past two weeks trying to prepare for the Frozen 5K.  I really don't want to run the actual 5K though.  It is probably going to ran and be about 30 degrees outside...NO FUN! Plus, I'm not sure if I am ready for running 3.11 miles.  Right now I can run 2 miles without stopping and that is it...once I hit 2 I'm about beat.  I probably should have started training earlier but I'm a procrastinator so...what can I say?

Still, the hardest resloution for me is spending my money wisely!  I mean I feel like I am taking baby steps toward the right direction but it just isn't enough.  I need some accountability...or more discipline. 

OK and I haven't even started studying for my two CLEPS I needs to take in order to get my degree...but it has only been one month...I promise to do better!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

It is Hard to be Frugal

My first resolution (so spend less on meaningless things) is probably one of the most important to me.  Being a young women and married for almost two years I really feel it is necessary to get into the habit of being a good steward of my money.  This is so very hard to do in our society.  Last night as I was watching TV and I wanted to spend money. First, on the TV shows it seems that people have money to burn all the time with nice houses, clothes, vacations, and going out with friends...blah, blah, blah.  For example, CougarTown on ABC (great show) shows their characters with easy lives, all the luxurious anyone would want and no worries...although I feel like I barely see them work.  It was annoying to me because my husband and I work hard and still struggle financially.  I know it is only TV but it gets in your head!  Then...the commercials...SALE, SALE, SALE...or some snazzy car commercial, then a fancy phone or computer.  It almost makes me want to never watch TV again.  When I watch TV it only makes my resolution to spend less more difficult.

In Matthew Jesus says to store our treasures in Heaven.  I must keep this in mind.  I must remember that the things we own on this earth will not be with us once we die.  It is more important for me to spend $28 a month and support a child in Uganda or Haiti so they can have food, clothing, education, medical care and learn of Christ then a new shirt or go out to dinner.  Now, don't get me wrong...I do believe that Christ wants us to be happy and enjoy is all about balance. 

I just need to find that balance...

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Yesterday I finish my first book of the year.  I have recently starting reading Gregory Maguire.  First I read Wicked...great read but sometimes I wish there would have been more detail.  Her whole life happened in 400 pages.  Maybe I will learn more about the Wicked Witch of the West when I read Son of a Witch. 

Back to what I just finished reading. It was Gregory Maguire's Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister.  I LOVED this book.  I love that Maguire gives the world the perceived 'bad guys' from our fairy tales a chance to prove their worth or justification for why they became evil; the whole story if you will.  In Confession of an Ugly Stepsister the ugly stepsisters are not at all like the ones we see in Disney's Cinderella, they are actually good people who help their stepsister (Cinderella) meet the Prince.  Maguire made this beloved story more real for me while adding in a little mystery with the possibility of Cinderella being a changeling.

Perfect first read for the New Year.  Now, should I start Son of a Witch or Mirror, Mirror...?

Thursday, January 7, 2010


My number 2 resolution is to eat healthier and work out. On February 6th My husband, a few of my dear friends and I will be doing the Frozen 5K. It will be up on Signal Mountain and all the proceeds will go towards a the mission work done by AMG International in Haiti - such as feeding, education and sharing Christ with this precious little girl ----->>

Now, I have not really worked out regularily in probably 4 years so...these next four weeks I HAVE to work very hard! My friend Alison (an experienced runner) gave me the Hal Higdon's 5K Training program. He gives 8 weeks of training while I only have 4 so...I have some catching up to do. I am looking forward to it though...I know I will have a sense of accomplishment when I finish the run. Also, I will be running alongside my husband and close friends all for a worthly cause...doesn't that give you a warm fuzzy feeling??

Saturday morning I plan doing a run with a few friends is freezing here right now so might as well practice running in the cold...I am actually excited!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Its a new year, Wow! I am usually not one to make resolutions, it seems that if I want to change something or improve myself why wait. Also, to be a bit more the past I usually never keep my "New Years Resolutions". I am a bit of a procrastinator. But this year...

Yes, this year I have decided to make a few resolutions and really make an effort to complete them. I figure blogging might help me to keep them in mind and it will give me somewhere to rant about my frustrations with keeping my resolutions. Changing something that is part of your everyday life isn't easy for anyone, but it is possible.

OK they are
1.) Spend less money on meaningless things
2.) Drink less soda and overall eat healthier / workout (I know...this one is a little cliche)
3.) Read at least 2 books a month
4.) Finish my final two classes so I can finally get my degree

I think that is all. During this first week of 2010 these are the things that have come to mind and I feel each of them are doable. Here is to 2010...

p.s. I'm eating an apple right point for resolution #2