Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Its a new year, Wow! I am usually not one to make resolutions, it seems that if I want to change something or improve myself why wait. Also, to be a bit more the past I usually never keep my "New Years Resolutions". I am a bit of a procrastinator. But this year...

Yes, this year I have decided to make a few resolutions and really make an effort to complete them. I figure blogging might help me to keep them in mind and it will give me somewhere to rant about my frustrations with keeping my resolutions. Changing something that is part of your everyday life isn't easy for anyone, but it is possible.

OK they are
1.) Spend less money on meaningless things
2.) Drink less soda and overall eat healthier / workout (I know...this one is a little cliche)
3.) Read at least 2 books a month
4.) Finish my final two classes so I can finally get my degree

I think that is all. During this first week of 2010 these are the things that have come to mind and I feel each of them are doable. Here is to 2010...

p.s. I'm eating an apple right point for resolution #2

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