Saturday, January 9, 2010


Yesterday I finish my first book of the year.  I have recently starting reading Gregory Maguire.  First I read Wicked...great read but sometimes I wish there would have been more detail.  Her whole life happened in 400 pages.  Maybe I will learn more about the Wicked Witch of the West when I read Son of a Witch. 

Back to what I just finished reading. It was Gregory Maguire's Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister.  I LOVED this book.  I love that Maguire gives the world the perceived 'bad guys' from our fairy tales a chance to prove their worth or justification for why they became evil; the whole story if you will.  In Confession of an Ugly Stepsister the ugly stepsisters are not at all like the ones we see in Disney's Cinderella, they are actually good people who help their stepsister (Cinderella) meet the Prince.  Maguire made this beloved story more real for me while adding in a little mystery with the possibility of Cinderella being a changeling.

Perfect first read for the New Year.  Now, should I start Son of a Witch or Mirror, Mirror...?

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